The call for applications to fill vacancies on the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) and the CAA Nominating Committee is now open. These volunteer positions have terms that begin January 1, 2026.
The CAA Nominating Committee is soliciting applications to fill five (5) anticipated vacancies on the CAA. These positions have terms beginning January 1, 2026. The term lengths are noted below. The CAA accredits clinical doctoral degree programs in audiology and master’s degree programs in speech-language pathology. It is composed of 19 individuals who are academics and practitioners from both professions as well as one public member. The full description of the CAA’s composition and roles and responsibilities can be found in Chapter V, Operation of the Council on Academic Accreditation, in the Accreditation Handbook [PDF].
Applicants for academic positions must:
In addition, the nominating committee encourages individuals who have one or more of the following characteristics to apply for an academic position:
Because no more than one individual from a specific educational institution may serve on the CAA at any time, individuals from the following institutions will not be eligible to serve in 2026:
Applicants for practitioner positions must
An adjunct of complementary appointment to a graduate education program shall not disqualify practioner members, provided they are employed full-time in a nonuniversity setting. Employment in more than one position or agency may be combined to meet the full-time requirement (i.e., at least 32 hours per week).
In addition, the nominating committee encourages individuals who have one or more of the following characteristics to apply for an academic position:
Because no more than one individual from a specific clinical family may serve on the CAA at any time, individuals from Houston Methodist Hospital will not be eligible to serve in 2026.
The CAA is the semi-autonomous entity within ASHA that has the authority to establish and enforce a set of standards for the accreditation of graduate programs in audiology and speech-language pathology. The CAA has the sole authority to make accreditation decisions.
Members establish accreditation standards, conduct in-depth evaluations of candidacy, accreditation, and reaccreditation applications to determine compliance with established standards, accredit qualified graduate programs, and monitor compliance during the period of candidacy and accreditation through review of annual reports. The CAA relies heavily on technology to conduct program reviews and other CAA work. As a member of the CAA, you will have the responsibility of determining the accreditation status of programs through thorough and careful review of their applications and annual reports. Each semester, members of the CAA can be expected to review 5–7 applications (e.g., initial or reaccreditation) and 15–17 annual reports. The time commitment averages approximately 7 hours per week; however, some weeks require more time, especially during review periods.
The CAA holds three multi-day meetings per year, either virtually or in person at the ASHA National Office in Rockville, Maryland.
In addition, CAA members are expected to participate virtually in candidacy program reviews for two partial days each May, as needed.
All council members are assigned to at least one committee for which activities and meetings are conducted throughout the year and will include additional virtual meetings between the scheduled full CAA meetings. Expenses for attendance at the meetings in Rockville are reimbursed in accordance with ASHA’s Volunteer Travel Policies. Attendance and participation at the CAA’s meetings, both in person and virtually, is expected for the duration of the term.
A full description of the CAA’s composition, roles and responsibilities, etc. are found in Chapter V of the Accreditation Handbook [PDF].
The CAA is soliciting applications to fill four (4) anticipated vacancies on the CAA Nominating Committee. These positions have 1-year terms beginning January 1, 2026. The CAA Nominating Committee is composed of five people with the responsibility to recruit and verify the qualifications of individuals in order to fill vacancies on the CAA. A former CAA member will serve as chair of the committee. The full description of the CAA Nominating Committee's composition, roles, and procedures can be found in Chapter VI, Nominating Committee, in the Accreditation Handbook [PDF].
The CAA Nominating Committee’s work will be conducted by email and through conference calls and/or other communication platforms, including a web-based application portal. Each member is expected to participate fully in the activities of the group. Comfort with using technology (e.g., website, blog) is essential to support the work of the committee. Familiarity with the CAA’s accreditation program is encouraged. The committee requires no in-person meetings in order to conduct its work. A full description of the CAA Nominating Committee responsibilities are found in Chapter VI of the Accreditation Handbook [PDF].
Individuals who are interested to apply for a vacant position must complete an online application, which includes completing a questionnaire and uploading your CV (10 pages or less). To be considered for any vacant position, your application must be completed and submitted by May 1, 2025.
This application period is only for those interested in filling the vacant positions listed above. Individuals interested to serve as CAA Site Visitors will have the opportunity to submit an application during the next recruitment period in the fall of 2025.
The CAA Nominating Committee will prepare a slate of candidates from the applications received, consisting of at least two individuals for each position. The slate and election ballots for the academic positions will be sent to all CAA-accredited programs in late August/early September. Notification will be made at the close of the election in September.
The CAA’s Officers Nominating Committee and the CAA chair or designee will prepare a slate of candidates from the applications received that will consist of at least two individuals for each position. CAA members will select the Nominating Committee members by simple majority vote of the full council. Notification will be made in August.
Contact Gretchen Ehret Hoshaw, chief accreditation officer at ASHA, at