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Candidacy Reporting Procedures

Accreditation Handbook—Chapter XVI: Procedures for Achievement and Maintenance of Candidacy Status

Candidacy is available only to applicant programs that

  • are newly developed graduate degree programs, including stand-alone programs or those offered through a consortium, and
  • have no students currently enrolled.

Candidacy Milestones and Timelines for a Typical Program

The CAA has designated specific reporting milestones and timelines to assist in planning for new programs that are seeking candidacy status. New programs must contact the Accreditation Office to schedule a consultation with staff and to receive access to the Notice of Intent and Application for Candidacy forms. Developing programs must (1) file a Notice of Intent to apply for candidacy at least 24 months in advance of the proposed student enrollment date and (2) submit a Notice of Intent Fee. The CAA will schedule programs for a submission date based on availability (see table below). The submission date of the Application for Candidacy will determine the anticipated enrollment date for students, which is 18 months after the application is submitted.  

Candidacy Application—Submission Schedule and Available Slots

The CAA has two submission dates for candidacy applications (January 1 or July 1) and limits to four (4) the number of applications scheduled for each submission date. After the four-program cap is reached, programs will be subject to the next available submission date and planned student admission must be delayed accordingly. 

Application Submission Date Number of Slots Available* Anticipated Enrollment Date
January 2026 0 Fall 2027
July 2026 0 Spring 2028
January 2027 0 Fall 2028
July 2027 0 Spring 2029
January 2028 0 Fall 2029
July 2028 0 Spring 2030
January 2029 0 Fall 2030
July 2029 0 Spring 2031
January 2030 4 Fall 2031

* as of February 2025

Standards Compliance Continuum

Although compliance with all standards is not required at the time of award of candidacy, the CAA’s decision to award candidacy status is based on the program’s submission of a comprehensive development plan (candidacy application) and the program’s and institution’s demonstrated commitment and ability to implement the program fully. New programs are expected to continue to develop throughout its candidacy cycle, and the CAA has developed a standards compliance continuum to highlight its expectations for a program’s development and achievement as related to the Standards for Accreditation.

The CAA uses the terms and definitions in the continuum key as follows:

  • Planned (P): Compliance with the standard is planned; a comprehensive development plan, timelines, and adequate support for continued development are evident and sustainable.
  • Initiated (I): The plan is initiated; review requirements of the standard are in progress, and adequate and sustained support for development is evident.
  • Maintained (M): Review requirements of the standard have been met, compliance demonstrated and maintained; program improvement is initiated. Adequate and sustained support for development is evident.

Applicant and candidate programs must use the Standards Compliance Continuum [PDF] to guide their preparation and documentation. Programs are expected to demonstrate, at a minimum, the designated level of development outlined in the compliance continuum. The CAA will apply the same continuum and compliance schedule for its review and actions on a program’s candidacy application and annual progress reports. For example, decisions to award candidacy to an applicant program will be based on the expectations listed in the column, “CAA’s award of candidacy.”

Candidacy Program Eligibility to Seek Approval for Substantive Changes

When the CAA grants accreditation or candidacy status to an entry-level graduate education program, accreditation status applies only for the conditions that existed at the time of the CAA’s action. Programs in candidacy are not eligible to seek approval of substantive changes while the program holds candidacy status. Minor changes within the program may take place, which are routinely reported in an annual progress report, and which are part of a healthy educational process and result from ongoing self-assessment and continuous improvement.

Candidacy programs may not, however, modify their program to add a distance education component, add a satellite or branch campus, or engage in a contractual arrangement with an entity other than an institution of higher education, such as a speech/language/hearing center or other business, in accordance with the CAA’s policy on substantive changes during the candidacy term. See the full policy and related procedures in Chapter X. J. Seeking Approval of Substantive Changes in the Accreditation Handbook.

About ASHA

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is the national professional, scientific, and credentialing association for members and affiliates who are audiologists, speech-language pathologists, speech, language, and hearing scientists, audiology and speech-language pathology assistants, and students.

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About the CAA

The Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) accredits eligible clinical doctoral programs in audiology and master's degree programs in speech-language pathology. The CAA relies on a dedicated corps of volunteers serving as Council members and site visitors to accomplish the work of the accreditation program.

Contact the CAA

Questions and/or requests for information about accreditation or the CAA can be directed to:

The Council on Academic Accreditation in
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
2200 Research Boulevard, #310
Rockville, MD 20850


Email the CAA