March 13, 2025
The CAA is seeking your feedback on its proposal to increase accreditation fees beginning January 1, 2026. CAA policies require a comprehensive review of the accreditation fee structure and budget planning over a 3-year horizon.
After careful review of the fee structure and budget projections for 2026–2028, the CAA is NOT recommending a flat fee increase. Instead, the CAA is proposing the addition of a substantive change application fee and a fee for each satellite location to support the additional costs incurred due to required site visits to each location.
The Proposed Accreditation Fee Schedule and rationale are available online. In accordance with CAA policy, we are forwarding this information to all CAA-accredited and candidacy programs for input and participation in the review process. Please use this form to submit your comments to the CAA during the online comment period which will be open through Monday, May 1, 2025.
The CAA will review all comments submitted during its May 2025 meeting. All programs will be notified once decisions are made to assist in planning.