September 23, 2010
Through Standard 4.7 (2017), the CAA requires programs to describe their policies for retention of student records for completing degree and credentialing requirements. The CAA does not have a specific policy that mandates the timing or method for retaining these data. However, the following considerations for programs may be helpful in reviewing or formalizing program policies on student record retention.
One of the benefits of reviewing and aligning a program’s policy with that of its university is that the university’s policy takes into consideration federal and state laws, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). A program’s policy should be consistent with the institutional policy.
Decide which components of students records will be maintained (e.g., academic record, advising records, knowledge and skill acquisition summary, clinical hour summary) by the program, if any. Are any of these components included in the university’s policy?
Programs should maintain documentation on each student in sufficient detail so that the program can verify completion of all academic and clinical requirements for the graduate degree and eligibility for relevant state and national credentials. Outside of the academic transcript, which components need to be considered by the program to complete these verifications once the student leaves the program? For the degree requirements for your program? For credentials in your state (e.g., license, teaching certificate) or nationally (e.g., ASHA certification)?
If specific types of records are not maintained after a student graduates from the program, such as clinical hour summaries, the program should advise students/alumni accordingly to ensure appropriate measures are taken to keep personal records.
Determine the storage format and needed security:
The university’s registrar’s office will maintain official academic transcripts likely in an electronic format for a set period of time.
Programs should consider any state or federal requirements, especially as they relate to verifying credentialing qualifications when they determine how long the program will maintain student records. Many state or federal guidelines suggest a minimum of 5 or 7 years. Programs should employ timelines consistent with university policies, where appropriate.
Identify how students are informed about the record retention policies or procedures. The program must consider how students and alumni will be made aware of the records maintenance policy—through the student handbook, webpages, orientation sessions, or exit conference/interview?
Identify a records disposal process, if appropriate, once the retention period is over. Confer with university policy or staff to make informed decisions about ways to dispose of old records. The program needs to protect any confidential information contained and should determine, and then follow appropriate protocols.